Theatro On-Property Experts

On-Property Experts: 3 Ways to Improve the Casino Experience

Enabling your on-property experts to knowledge share

Who in your casino has the most knowledge and is best able to help a guest? What would it mean if any team member could provide this level of service? As casinos continue to recognize the importance of enhancing guest service, being able to quickly answer a guest’s question about your loyalty program, promotions, or events can make a big difference in your guests’ experience and the likelihood of them visiting again. 

3 ways on-property experts help casinos:

1. Players Club Champions: Player’s clubs build loyalty to a casino and increase revenue, making it a vital program to promote to guests. However, savvy guests typically compare casinos before visiting and ultimately choose the one with the greatest benefits available from joining a player’s club. And though most casino team members have a basic knowledge about their players club, inevitably, there will be times when this is just not enough. By opening communication lines between on-property experts like your player’s club representatives and other team members, every team member becomes empowered to answer questions or get the information they need to assist guests looking to sign-up. 

2. Slot Machine Masters: Offering the latest and greatest in slot technology is a great way to bring in new casino guests. However, installing new slot machines is more of an undertaking than simply adding them to the floor. It also means certain team members will need to be trained to understand how they operate. Yet, when a guest asks a question about the machine to a server nearby who wasn’t part of that training, could they answer even a simple question like “How do I win on this machine?” Because players who understand how the game work are more likely to play longer, it becomes increasingly important to provide communication capabilities between team members and slot team on-property experts so anyone can help guests with even the simplest questions about new games.  

3. Guest Experience Experts:At Theatro, we talk a lot about enhancing the guest experience. That is because improving the guest experience is one of the few ways casinos can shine brighter than the competition. So, who better to help casinos raise the guest experience bar than the casino hosts? Typically, casino hosts have an excellent working knowledge of all things happening around the casinoTheir main job is to ensure guests feel comfortable and happy, and the happier your guests are, the more loyal they are likely to be to your casino. Yet, even the best casino host can miss details about events or which VIP guests are on the property, making it crucial that these team members remain connected with others. After all, your hosts could be THE first team others go to for support! 

Now, imagine if on-property experts could share their knowledge throughout your casino and every team member could get the answers they need to help guests anytime and anywhere. When team members all across the casino gain access to each other, on-property experts, managers, and critical enterprise systems, essential knowledge to doing their job becomes accessible to EVERY team member… even on Day 1. By leveraging Theatro’s intelligent assistant and defined on-property communication groups, every employee is granted quick access to the information they need at the speed of thought! 

Reach out to Theatro’s Casino team today to schedule a demo!