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New Coyote Valley Casino in California’s Mendocino County

Originally published in TribalHub Industry Insights Report_November 2019

New Coyote Valley Casino

California welcomes New Coyote Valley Casino

The new Coyote Valley Casino was the perfect opportunity to build and design unique and innovative technology and systems. The team looked at upgrading to the newest technology in every department to not only increase efficiencies but also to enhance their guest experience. These upgrades included everything from new point of sale systems, to new customer kiosks, these new technologies have allowed for their guests to feel better served. One of the game-changing technologies at the new Coyote Valley Casino was their partnership with Theatro. Communication has always been a challenge for organizations and through the years the development of the phone, fax, pagers, emails then cell phones have always increased team communication but have left inefficiencies or drawbacks, leaving gaps and unanswered inquiries. Implementing Theatro has allowed them to be in constant and instant communication with the entire team at all levels, giving the team instant answers and direction when needed. Every team member now has a tool that allows them to get instant answers for guests as well as quick service when needed. No heavy radios or open lines any longer. With Theatro their team has a private communication network giving them all the power to take guest service to the next level.

The Team at Coyote Valley Casino

The team at Coyote Valley Casino and their partners worked hard to develop their technology infrastructure and systems into the building design and construction process. Early planning was key to a successful integration of all of their new systems. They were able to identify what infrastructure was needed and what bandwidths they had to prepare for. Most of their partners spent the needed time touring the site prior to going live, in order to ensure a successful launch of all of their systems. The important part was to ensure all departments were engaged in the process from selection to launch to avoid missing key elements of the property needs.

Coyote Valley Casino is now a state of the art entertainment facility with innovative features such as the 101 Taps. 101 Taps is their new self-service tap room featuring 101 local beers and wines from northern California all available to sample and enjoy. This is the largest self-service tap room in the US and it adjoins their new million dollar entertainment venue ready for any national act or event featuring two 14’ big screen tvs. Not only do they have all that a casino is expected to provide, but they also have new meeting spaces as well as three dining options from pizza to filet mignon.

Challenges of New Coyote Valley Casino

One of the most challenging aspects to completing this project was figuring out how to set themselves apart from the crowd. They wanted to stand out in the industry as a small casino with everything the big properties can afford. Finding partners who understood that they have limited resources and needed big results was difficult. However with a lot of looking and innovative products partners like Theatro, GA Gaming, GUEST guest service trading PourMyBeer and Insight Works, they were able to take their property to the next level.